Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Staying Organized

One of the things I recommend most to folks when they're trying to save money - be it their debt snowball or piling up cash, is to stay organized. Fortunately, my mother was an awesome one to follow in this area and my filing system is based loosely on her model.

My office is customized to what I need it to be (I have more files than average) but most folks need two filing drawers. I prefer hanging files, but whatever floats your boat. That being said, I have four.

Drawer One:
Folders labeled A-Z. When I bought a telephone, I filed the paperwork and receipt (stapled together) under "T". When I bought a washing machine, I filed all the paperwork and receipt in my "W" folder. One-time purchases, and miscellaneous small items go into my lettered file...even the extra bolts for the wagon!

Drawer Two:
Anything that I have continual paperwork for, insurance, utilities, auto repairs, you name it. I tend to keep my utility and bill folders in the very front for easy access but file everything else behind it alphabetically.

Drawer Three:
My "Business" files (my small business, and for the local GOP).

Drawer Four:
This drawer is mostly empty so I use it for easy access to our medical and tax files. All papers/bills for medical expenses, get filed into a yearly folder. At the end of the year, I go back and reimburse us from our Health Savings Account in order to take advantage of the tax break it offers. After I've been reimbursed, I file each bill into the proper person's file. I keep one for each of us. Unfortunately, mine is the thickest. :(

In the same drawer, I keep an large, manilla envelope with Taxes 2009 on the front. I make a new envelope every January. I place all papers that we will need for tax preparation into this envelope throughout the year. If I take a donation by the Salvation Army and get a receipt, into the envelope it goes. By the end of the year, all that's left to gather is our W-2s and off to the CPA we go. Everything is together in one place. Once our taxes have been prepared, I place our copy into this envelope and file in yearly order with the rest of my tax envelopes in the attic. These should not be discarded for at least ten years.

This is the easiest system I have found to stay organized at home. When you need something repaired - especially under warranty, you'll have everything in one easy-to-find location. If you don't have room for a filing cabinet, expandable files or boxes could be used. It's easy to adapt it to fit your needs and your space.

1 comment:

  1. Oh i like this. I have tried a few methods and I'm a very organized person but i really like this!
