Friday, September 11, 2009

What is a Silver Talent?

I've been thinking about blogging for a while...we'll see how it goes. If I can keep up with it, I think it might be fun. A friend has been encouraging me to write things down as they happen because our family's life is pretty full...

Why the name SilverTalents?

I guess I should go ahead and let everyone know, if they don't already, that for most of my life, I've been keenly interested money. Making money, saving money, investing money and, of course, spending money. Before someone tells me that "money is the root of all evil" I will defend myself and say that in the New Testament, Jesus talks more about money than any other subject. He left very clear instructions on how Christians should handle money.

In Matthew 25, he talks about a man who left silver talents with his servants while he went on a long journey. One servant was given 5, one 4, and so on and so forth. The last servant was given 1 talent.

The first servant took the money invested and doubled it. The fourth did the same (and so on and so forth). The last servant came and admitted that he had merely buried his money because he was afraid his master would be upset if he lost his investment. The Master was angry and admonished him that he should have at least put the money into a bank where it could have earned interest.

In my mind, the parable works this way. God is my master, I am His servant. Yes, I work hard, but what money I have ultimately belongs to Him. I'm not to stand idly by and squander its blessing. There are many other teachings in the New Testament that relate specifically to money...we should work hard, we should make wise decisions, we should give generously. I believe that debt is a curse, and yes, I listen to Dave Ramsey.

All that to say, my blog will mostly be about the Silver Talents I'm trusted with. How I make them, how I save them, how I invest them, and probably how I spend them as well.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I will definitely be following you around on your journey!
